Monday, August 18, 2008

Factors that may affect a resident interview

At first glance interviewing a resident or patient about an event would seem simple and straight forward. Interviewing an individual about an event that may have traumatized them, needs to be handled with patience and sensitivity which requires more than simply getting answers to multiple questions. Some things to keep in mind.
1. The individual may be experiencing anger at what happened to them.
2. The individual may feel victimized.
3. The individual may feel embarrassed or ashamed that they allowed this to happen.
4. The individual may be in a state of shock and hasn't realized what happened.
5. The individual may feel the need to protect whoever the perpetrator is.
6. The individual may fear retaliation if they tell someone what happened.
7. The individual may deny the event or blame themselves.
8. The individual may distrust anyone who tries to talk with them about the event.
9. The individual may be confused due to the effect of what happened.
10. The individual may be in pain, physical or emotional.
11. The individual may be experiencing grief over the event, maybe tearful.
12. The individual may be withdrawn.
13. The individual may be unable to relate accurately the facts of the event.

Because of all the above possible factors it is extremely important to write down exactly what the resident/patient/individual states. If you do not understand what the individual says request that they repeat their statement. Do not guess at what they said. Interviewing is a skill and takes practice.

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