Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thursday Thirteen #15

Thirteen interesting nursing items from a 1916 nursing journal
1. The journal titled The Nurse dated February 1916
2. The journal cost $2.00 a year and 25 cents a copy
3. An article titled The graduate nurse and our alien exclusion laws.
4. Every Advertisement was guaranteed
5. Chr. Hansen's Junket Brand BUTTERMILK TABLETS ideal food for invalids and healthy people of all ages.
6. Questions by the Nurses' Examining Board of Vermont
7. The questions were listed under three categories; Practical Nursing & Dietetics, obstetrics, Materia Medica and Urinalysis
8. Invalid Danties by Riley M. Fletcher Berry
9. Advertisement for the The Chase Hospital Doll- description over 5 ft. tall made of finely woven stockinet, is durable waterproof and sanitary
10. Hospital methods illustrated: Hypodermoclysis - twenty engravings from photographs
11. The Role of the Visiting Nurse 'Keeping Up The District'
12. Philadelphia's Street Cleaning Nurse - In order that she may conduct her work most effectively, she has been legally empowered as a special police officer, which gives her the power of the law to make arrests when necessary.
13. An ad for Welsh's grape juice

To read more Thursday Thirteen


Kristen said...

Thanks for stopping by my place.
I love magazines, books & pamphlets from 100 years ago. We have come so far in so many ways!

Anonymous said...

How fascinating! It's interesting the medicines in the old days so often had a person's name attached to the... Dr Smith's this or Dr' Brown's that. Did medicines have to be approved 100 years ago, or could anyone sell anything?

Brandi said...

Thanks for stopping by! Your nursing journal entry is very interesting!

And yes it would be Pinedale Wyoming. I am surprised you have heard of it! Why do you go there so much? I love it there, but unfortanetely don't live there any more. Just my family.